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Rare Digital Art Avengers

Rare Digital Art Avengers - by Joe Chiappetta

New times call for new heroes. Thankfully, the Rare Digital Art Avengers have arrived. Protecting the art-loving cryptocurrency universe from confusing technical jargon, these valiant servants of blockchain righteousness never back down from a noble fight! Whether it be dismantling dangerous acronyms that repulse newcomers or educating the masses on why art on the blockchain is so cool, the Rare Digital Art Avengers work with inspiring vigilance. Join Captain Non-Fungible, Doctor Memetics, Baron Von BitCrystal, and more heroes as they leave behind a collectible trail of souvenirs for their endearing supporters to enjoy and read about in a business-friendly manner. 

This artwork will be available soon on the Grand pixEOS Art Gallery. As a premier destination for collecting rare digital art on the EOS blockchain, a high degree of my comics and art will be appearing there. They have a fantastic community and I am so grateful to be a part of it.

If you like searching for hidden treasures and nuggets of coolness in your arts and comics, then this piece of rare digital art is right up your blockchain boulevard. It's one of those digital paintings that has paintings within the painting and comics within the comic. As you might imagine, it took longer than usual to finish the artwork but I believe it was worth it. All my years making Silly Daddy Comics and watching old Columbo detective shows have prepared me quite well for this task.

In fact, I would even bet that--for at least one other person--it holds extra-valuable keys to opportunity. That's because this art is part of the EOS Treasure Hunt, which is a contest to find free cryptocurrency. An EOS account, thesecretkey, has been funded with EOS and other tokens. The private key (or password) to this account has been spread in clues across dozens of various platforms so that only the most diligent detective will win the treasure. Happy hunting.

Joe Chiappetta