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Star Trek, Milk, and Cow Coin

I took my youngest daughter trick-or-treating this season in our Pasadena neighborhood and it was a fun time. Our Southern California city is one of the best places I've ever been to for trick-or-treating. People really get into the spirit of things here! In fact, the are we go to for trick-or-treating is so lively! Neighbors set up lawn chairs on the front yard to greet people and some even seem to be having family friendly parties on their front porch as they pass out candy. This SoCal trick-or-treating experience is unlike any I have ever seen in all my previous Chicago years. I am aware that people are festive and creative all over the planet, but the people we have encountered while trick or treating here in Pasadena are certainly memorable.

For the occasion, my daughter was elegantly dressed up as a Star Trek officer and we saw all sorts of interesting people in costumes. One of them was a person dressed up as a milk carton, complete with a straw attached to the carton. It was a very creative and looked like a hand-made costume. I knew I had to draw it as soon as I saw it. Gratefully I had my sketchbook with me and I started sketching right in the midst of the trick-or-treat crowd. Naturally, such things led me to create this cartoon. The humorous and milky conversation depicted in my cartoon only took place in my imagination, but hopefully you will get a nutritious kick out of it too.

Incidentally, with all this talk about milk and creativity, I satirically thought up the idea of creating a cryptocurrency called Cow Coin. It's tagline would be something like this:
Cow Coin: Milk it for all its worth!
As you can glean from my current productive art output, the cryptocurrency space is quite ripe for cartoon material. I don't think it will go sour any time soon--because I too will keep milking it.

For more laughs and to invest in my limited-edition cryptocurrency-related artworks, see my list of for-sale crypto-art pieces.

Joe Chiappetta