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Silly Daddy on Pixels

BeastEOS Family illustration by Joe Chiappetta on the pixEOS crypto-art app

Illustrations and comics from as well as about the entirely innovative pixEOS crypto-art ecosystem

Family comes in many shapes and sizes in my latest piece of digital art. I drew this BeastEOS Family illustration on the pixEOS app. There you can find many little characters I have created, along with all sorts of other pixel art and graffiti from other creators and passing adventurers. As the creator of the long-running Silly Daddy Comics, I often cannot resist to put a family theme into my work. That's why you see in this minimal illustration a little child beast happily following his father beast on the very first giant digital pixEOS canvas.

In fact, my artwork, in the form of comics, animations, and illustrations has been increasingly featured in a number of professional articles directly from the pixEOS crypto-art project. Built on the EOS cryptocurrency network and based on a lot of community feedback, PixEOS already has a fine online art/game/gambling/crypto/graffiti app that is up and running--and incredibly cool. The team has many other great elements for artists and collectors being added to the pixEOS ecosystem soon. It is definitely a project to engage with now, as well as keep a keen eye on for future developments sure to expand the boundaries of art on the blockchain!

Can you spot my artwork in the pixEOS official blog? I am prominently included as one of their illustrators in their articles about the pixEOS Merchandise Shop, as well as an article about general ecosystem updates, and also an article about a cryptographic code-cracking puzzle.

It is very likely that soon you will also see what I would call an epic illustration from me having to do with the pixEOS community. What I consider an epic illustration is a more detailed drawing with many characters in it while also communicating themes on (usually) multiple levels. I do not do epic illustrations every day. Most of my illustrations and comics these days are what I would call brevity illustrations. A brevity illustration is one that has just one or two characters in it and communicates usually only one simple concept. As can be implied from the titles, brevity illustrations usually don't take that long to complete, while epic illustrations take quite a while to finish. Obviously, the above illustration of the BeastEOS Family is a brevity illustration, yet of epic family proportions, right?

Joe Chiappetta