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Silly Daddy Artwork for Sale

Silly Daddy Artwork for Sale - comic by Chiappetta

For those who want to purchase original cartoon artwork from me, now there is a quick and easy way to know which cartoon art is for sale and what's not. Look for the label at the bottom of each post. I have tagged all the posts on this site that contain for sale artworks on paper with the tag, "Artwork for Sale." So happy shopping.

My artwork is collected internationally and even Quentin Tarantino's mom owns some (I'm not kidding!). Act now! You can own a Chiappetta original too.

Speaking of artwork, in this post, a green alien with squid-like multiple legs lands in a downtown metropolis, gets out of his little flying saucer and declares with urgency, "Take me to your artwork for sale."

"I wonder if crayon scribbles on scratch paper count?" thinks an onlooking little boy as all the adults stare in shock.

Ink pens and collage on 12" x 10" paper by Joe Chiappetta 2008